Cincinnati Innovation District
From digital innovation and applications, AI, cybersecurity, aerospace, medical technology and environmental research; the area continues to be the hub for inspiration and discovery. The Cincinnati Innovation District® is home to the area’s most prominent employers and research institutions, impacting the growth and advancement of our communities. Conveniently located next to I-71 MLK interchange, the Digital Futures building features landmark visibility.
Vertical Divider
800 plus businesses located in the surrounding area
Vertical Divider
2,000 employees within the Cincinnati Innovation District
Vertical Divider
5 anchor institutions located within the district
Vertical Divider
100+ properties acquired for development
$25M invested in property acquisitions
The University of Cincinnati offers a balance of educational excellence and real-world experience. UC is a public, Carnegie Research 1 institution and has been named “Among the top tier of the Best National Universities”. Empowering students to challenge and change the world through real-world learning, the urban university has inspired countless transformative ideas.
UC Health has a rich history in medical discovery and innovation and is accredited to conduct clinical research by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP). Researchers routinely conduct industry, investigator-initiated and National Institutes of Health (NIH) sponsored clinical trials (phase I-IV) in nearly all therapeutic areas.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center is the largest pediatric research facility in the country with over 1 million square feet of dedicated research space. Cincinnati Children’s scientists are conducting breakthrough research to improve care for children. Cincinnati Children’s is annually ranked as one of the top children’s hospitals in the country, currently #4 in US News and World Report's Hospital Rankings.
The Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden is the second-oldest zoo in the United States and is perennially ranked as one of the top zoos in the country. The Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Wildlife (CREW) and the Cincinnati Zoo’s globally recognized breeding program saves species through science.
TriHealth is an integrated health care system that provides a wide range of clinical, educational, preventive and social programs throughout Greater Cincinnati. TriHealth’s vision is to be where people want to work, where physicians want to practice, and most importantly, where the community wants to go when they need the best quality, service, safety and value in health care.
Bringing people together to create impactful change
The Interstate-71 Interchange at Martin Luther King Drive provides immediate access to the Digital Futures Complex. Located at the front door of the $80 million interchange, the Digital Futures Complex is a landmark on Interstate-71 and an anchor to the Cincinnati Innovation District®.